
Beauty Quick Fix - Sun Damage

BBQs , the smell of chlorine, beach parties and tanning.  Yep, it's that time again!  Summer is quickly approaching and with it comes the sun.  We are all prone to everyday sun damage.  However, if you find yourself in a situation where you "over-baked" and look like the night's lobster dinner, you should try this soothing beauty quick fix:
Cold Milk!
How to use:  Get cold, whole milk and pour into a bowl.  Get a clean, dry cloth or cotton ball and dip generously into the milk.  Apply to irritated skin.  Reapply every few hours.

Why: The properties in fresh milk help to cool the skin, restore pH balance and promotes faster healing. 

*As with any dairy products, they must be wiped off with water to prevent spoilage. 

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