
Dance Health

Are a dancer who takes class(es) everyday?  Do you constantly put your muscles to the test?  If you answered "Yes" to any of those questions then it is essential you find personal time to heal and soothe your body by warming up, stretching and massaging your aches and pains.  Below are some simple exercises you can do on a daily basis to get your body ready for the day.  They will help strengthen and warm your muscles up when you are ready to take class.  When done consistently and over an extended period of time (4-6 weeks), you will begin to feel the benefits in flexibility, control and overall physical stamina.  
*Always consult a physician before doing any physical exercises/activity.

If you are hyper-extended in your knees: Engage butt muscles to help keep knees in line with your feet.  Parallel is active!  Keep the pelvis in neutral and knees soft so that you aren't "crunching" in the back (arching).

For balance: On floor, stand on one leg, eyes closed.  Engage core, outside of hip, and remember the tripod of the foot (ball of foot and heel). 
  • Hold 1 minute, 3 times each leg
For Advanced: Stand on pillow, yoga block, towels or large books to make ground unstable under foot

Stand in doorway, upper arms at shoulder level, elbows bent to 90 degrees.  Take one step forward and hold for 30 seconds for 2 minuts. Repeat if you like
  • Do not lunge body or push pelvis forward.  Make sure to step through the doorway.
Child's pose.  Feet touching and in natural "V," walk hands all the way to right, hold for 30 seconds to 2 minutes keeping the left sit bone down.  Then repeat on other side.   

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