
Dance Video of the Week!

Known for bridging the gap between dance styles, Dana choreographs a mesmerizing contemporary piece that hypnotizes the audience from the start with black and white striped, hooded leotards her dancers are wearing.  The choreography takes us on primal journey, one in which Dana seamlessly ties in elements of modern, hip-hop and ballet.  I love the floor sequence and the pops of hip-hop that peak through the movements so effortlessly.  The seductive crab walks, undulations and sharp directional pulls of the body kept me engaged.  I would love to see this performed on a stage and developed on a larger scale.  I give the videography is okay- and I say that for quality purposes.

Choreographed by: Dana Foglia
Dancers: Mishay Petronelli, Meeka Kameoka, Natsuki Miya & Devon Scarpulla
Filmed/Edited by: Ryan Davis

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