
The 12 Dance Commandments

Your future is in your hands...what will you do??
Thou shall train.  If I were to list all the benefits of training, it would exceed the list of naughty boys getting a lump of coal for Christmas this year-and it's a long list thanks to the members of Congress.  Training builds stamina, strength, and confidence and is the time dancers get to explore movement and experiment with their bodies freely without the fear of being judged.  This is dance in its raw form, and training should never end it he classroom.
Honor thy Father and your Mother.  Fatha Flava meet Motha Ballet.  Ballet is the foundation for all dance.  So learn it and love it!
The performance begins as soon as ye step foot in the venue. Your presence should be felt in the room by the way you walk and hold yourself.  
Thou will not be fake!  Don't fake your emotions. If you are angry today, own it and live it.   Use that emotion in your dancing and allow the audience to go with you on that emotional journey.  Humans thrive on watching the pain of others.  Its ok to be vulnerable. Vulnerable is real, and real emotions are beautiful to see when it's in its rawest form.  Keep it real!
Thou will show respect.  Show respect for your instructors, peers and above all else for yourself.
You shall not covet your neighbor's house, so maintain a positive psyche.  In such a judgmental arena as the dance world, it is important to have a healthy and realistic view of yourself.  There are plenty of people who will try to break you down, don't add fuel to their flame by igniting yourself on fire.  You must be strong-minded and have a strong-will to succeed in this industry.  This is no place for lambs.   
Drive thy-self!  Personal drive, also known as discipline or  determination, has to come from within.  It's what keeps you up at night and what wakes you early in the morning.
Ye closed mouth won't get fed.  Stop being shy, and timid and speak up!  If you don't understand something, ask a question.  If you feel you have been wronged in some way, raise the concern.   Honestly, what is the worst thing that can happen?  Respect is given to those who know how to take it.
Honor and Create thy own luck. With proper preparation and the right opportunities, you will begin to see things change for the better.
You will stay involved in thy industry in order to stay relevant.  If work is slow, find an internship.  With trends fading in and out, it's so easy to lose touch of what's hot and what's not.  So stay in the loop and never stray for too long.
Keep track of ye own goals and find ways to creatively check them off.  Your work is limitless and has no bounds.  Don't be afraid to think outside of the box.
Thy body is thy temple-or tool.  Literally!  Your body is your money-maker, so treat it as such.  Your mind, body, and soul should be in sync with each other at all times.  Feed your bodies with a nutritious diet, feed your mind with information, and your soul with positive thoughts.  When you stop taking care of you body, you might as well throw in the towel.


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